Centre for Teaching and Learning : All Pages
- Picture Credits
- Home
- Borrow kit to try and use
- Canvas
- Online exams
- Resource hub
- ClassVR
- Digital education case studies
- Replay (Panopto)
- Oxford Reading Lists Online (ORLO)
- Vevox
- Screencasts
- Canvas for students
- Student Response Systems (SRS) lab
- Virtual classrooms lab
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality lab
- Sign up to stay informed
- Oxford-specific online courses in Canvas
- WebLearn
- ABC Learning Design
- Cabinet
- Celebrating teaching
- In-person teaching
- Online teaching
- Assessment and feedback
- Independent learning
- Resources for departments and faculties
- Ancient History students explore the Colosseum in Virtual Reality
- Democratising the Classics with Cabinet
- Moving images increase student engagement
- Flipping: A great way to make your lectures more effective
- Using clickers to gauge students' understanding
- MPLS Bridging programme makes learning material available online
- Virtual Reality helps healthcare workers to save lives at birth
- Better, faster: cutting-edge online assessments in MSD
- Virtual Reality app developed by Oxford chemistry student
- Students design digital networking tool WikiNets
- The Library Assistant: a lesson in developing great audience-led apps
- BláBláLogia for scientific accuracy on YouTube
- Tom Rocks Maths
- I'm a researcher, get me out of here!
- Outreach and widening access
- Public engagement
- Turnitin
- Preparation for Learning and Teaching at Oxford
- Breaking down the barriers, breaking down the vision...
- About us
- Our team
- Virtual Reality offers Larkmead School pupils an unforgettable learning experience
- News
- Canvas: supporting the University's strategic objectives
- Language Centre first to go live on Canvas
- Using Canvas to equip graduates for the real world
- Many thanks to Canvas @ Oxford early adopters
- Jane Pritchard PhD, NTF, SFHEA
- Ruth Percy PhD, SFHEA
- Natalie Usher MA MSc, DPhil, FHEA
- Jane Taylor PhD, SFHEA
- Marion Manton MA, MSc, SFHEA
- Jill Fresen MEd, PhD, CMALT
- Fawei Geng MSc, PGDip, FHEA, CMALT
- Anne Crook PhD, NTF, SFHEA
- Reports & briefing papers
- Over 40 more departments and faculties to start using Canvas in Michaelmas term
- Project reports behind SSO
- Oxford Teaching Innovation Forum (OxTIF)
- New units to focus on teaching, learning and developing our people
- Welcome to Canvas in Michaelmas term from Martin Williams, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education
- Join us for Canvas Week, 14-18 October
- Usability testing: Do it yourself
- Digiknow: Tech tools to write clear and simple English for web and print
- AI in Education: Event series in Michaelmas term
- Problems accessing Canvas?
- Creating instructional videos with Rapidmooc
- Record your own instructional videos: Rapidmooc training sessions
- WebLearn and Turnitin courses in Michaelmas term 2019
- H5P
- Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
- The Canvas VLE in Hilary 2020: building on success
- Launch of the Vice-Chancellor’s Education Awards
- Professor Rhona Sharpe PhD, MBA, NTF, PFHEA
- AI in Education: Detecting emotions to improve learning
- AI in Education: Privacy in childhood
- AI in Education: Business as Usual
- AI in Education: Data-Driven Learning
- AI in Education: Event series in Hilary term
- Webinar: What do we know about effective educational videos?
- It’s time to tell us what you think about Canvas at Oxford!
- The Canvas staff survey 2020
- Trialling a ‘Self Help’ tool in the Canvas virtual learning environment
- Moving from WebLearn to Canvas
- Have your say in teaching and learning
- Using WebLearn for anonymous submission of summative assessments
- Teaching remotely
- Introduction to Teaching Remotely
- Teaching Remotely - Ideas for using video
- Teaching Remotely - Ideas for using video
- Introduction to Teaching Remotely
- Digital Education Service Desk
- Tools for remote lecturing
- Tools for tutorial teaching
- Teaching Remotely helpdesk service available
- WebLearn decommissioning update
- Electronic whiteboards
- Guides for Teaching Remotely
- Designing Online Seminars
- Vice-Chancellor's Education Awards 2020
- Recording and sharing Microsoft Teams meetings
- All FIT resources
- Computer programming lectures and practical sessions
- Teaching Sleep Medicine to a small group online
- Online teaching of Precision Cancer Medicine
- Supervising a student who planned to visit archives in the USA
- A clinical anatomy workshop
- Using ORLO in Earth Sciences
- Online delivery of the 'Democratising the Classics' lecture series
- Recorded sessions
- An Introduction to Flexible Inclusive Teaching (FIT)
- An Introduction to Flexible Inclusive Teaching (FIT)
- An Introduction to Flexible Inclusive Teaching (FIT)
- Online tutorials on SARS-COV-2
- Group assessment of a consultancy task
- Pharmacology tutorials
- Biochemistry laboratory based practical
- Microsoft Teams help
- Panopto/Replay help
- Supporting student understanding of assessment criteria
- Running DPhil supervision workshops
- Updated resources to support flexible and inclusive teaching in Michaelmas term
- Angela Liu AMAUA
- Freddie Gent AMAUA
- Kalina Naidoo
- Louis Torrancinta
- Michael Fuller AMAUA
- Oxford Reading Lists Online (ORLO)
- FIT for Canvas
- WebLearn update July 2020
- Using Canvas quizzes for adaptive placement testing
- Masters in Public Policy: Summer readings and discussions
- Flipped classrooms in language teaching
- Role-play discussion forums
- Using MATLAB Grader for formative feedback
- Engaging video lectures in Modern Languages
- ‘Know your Oxford’ virtual tour
- Tools for screencasting and webcasting
- Canvas accessibility statement
- An Introduction to Inclusive Teaching at Oxford
- Welcome to new users of Canvas
- Microsoft Teams breakout rooms
- Oxford Teaching Ideas
- NewsGuard
- Giving effective feedback
- Creating accessible handouts and documents
- Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations
- Digital education tools
- Caroline Thompson
- Elizabeth Wyatt
- Making the most of collections and revision classes
- Supporting teaching remotely in Hilary term 2021
- An introduction to writing effective learning outcomes
- Key steps for planning effective tutorials
- Types of tutorial questioning
- Facilitating tutorial discussions
- Managing tutorial dynamics
- Peer feedback
- Engaging students in feedback
- Designing effective reading lists
- Making feedback inclusive
- Designing inclusive lab practicals
- Making classes inclusive
- Making tutorials inclusive
- Making lectures inclusive
- Key steps for inclusive online teaching
- An introduction to evaluating your teaching
- Methods to evaluate your teaching
- Designing evaluation questions
- Creating accessible educational recordings
- Creating accessible PDF files
- Nithya Ramadoss MSc, CMALT
- Dorset field trip for second-year undergraduates
- Fine art teaching
- Bermuda field trip for fourth-year undergraduates
- Friday@2: What makes a good maths solution?
- FIT briefing papers
- Bringing Geology online
- Encouraging active learning in large class teaching
- What to do if Canvas goes down
- Devices4Schools
- Education IT Programme update
- Accessible teaching and learning resources
- SensusAccess
- Accessible and inclusive teaching
- Accessible and inclusive Canvas courses
- IT tips for re-opening offices at Oxford
- Oxford's evolving IT needs
- Ensuring all students can access remote learning
- Supporting how we teach and assess in Trinity term 2021
- Planning and presenting a hybrid teaching session
- Structuring learning and information using Canvas in an MSt course
- An online introduction to Roman History
- Using Canvas to support Physics tutorials
- The practice of Anthropology: An introduction to anthropological methods
- What is FIT?
- Supporting students who are taking online, open-book examinations
- Need help with your new SharePoint Online site?
- Education IT programme update - Trinity term 2021
- Resources to support students with revision and assessment
- Miro
- Oxford University scheme helps local schoolchildren
- Oxford GAAD 2021 - Global Accessibility Awareness Day
- In-person teaching: what it’s like to return
- Creating more accessible learning environments for students
- Using the flipped classroom across the Saïd Business School
- Assistive technologies
- Canvas and the processing of your personal data
- Canvas FAQs
- Canvas programme closure
- Teams update - July 2021
- Immers-Ed global hackathon
- Internship Scheme 2020
- Internship Scheme 2021
- Fang Xu
- Maryann Pierse
- Pierce Jones
- Sophia Elzie
- Jacqueline Brown
- Anna Barona
- Tawa Edwards
- WebLearn update, July 2021
- Important eduroam news for everyone at Oxford
- IT advice for returning to onsite working
- The vision for Canvas at Oxford
- Digital education
- Victoria Drew MPhil, PhD
- Dominic Alonzi DPhil, FHEA
- What is hybrid teaching?
- Student academic transitions: resources for teaching staff
- Teaching Recognition Scheme 2020-21
- Mind the (inclusivity) gap
- Supporting academic transition: a focus on first-year teaching
- Supporting academic transition: a focus on academic essay writing
- New online Canvas course
- Free Michaelmas term sessions
- News from IT Services - Michaelmas term 2021
- Next meeting of Digital Education Technologies User Group
- Digital futures at Oxford - thought leadership sessions 2021
- Student transition project: Bibliography
- WebLearn decommissioning update - December 2021
- Digital futures at Oxford: Thought leadership sessions January 2022
- Getting FIT for Hilary term 2022
- Education IT digest - Hilary term 2022
- Staying FIT for Hilary term 2022
- Free Digiknow sessions for Hilary term 2022
- Vice-Chancellor's Awards
- Blackboard Ally is live
- Imagining the future of digital education at Oxford
- Reading Innovation Technology Showcase
- Ally
- FAQs about Ally
- Racially Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- Reading and Writing Innovation Lab
- News from IT Services - Hilary term 2022
- French Literature tutorials: Black Lives Matter
- Common course accessibility issues and how to prevent them
- Computer Science: anti-racism and responsible innovation
- Maths: incorporating history
- Maths: highlighting diversity
- Maths: growth mindsets
- Geography: decolonising research methods
- International Relations: towards a new canon
- International Relations: 'Global Thinkers'
- Medieval English Literature: the canon and race
- Early Modern English Literature: race, empire and slavery
- Early Modern English Literature: a 'Critical Race Studies' seminar
- English Literature: teaching African-American Literary Theory
- Developmental Biology: diversity in the field
- Spanish Literature: updating the curriculum
- History: Race, Sex, and Medicine in the Early Atlantic World
- Reading Group: a course in decolonisation
- Requesting a new generic email account
- NUGgets of wisdom - Teams and SharePoint Online
- New Digiknow webinars for Trinity term 2022
- Improving hybrid teaching spaces and guidance
- Student competition winners announced
- GAAD 2022 – Thursday 19 May
- First prize - Shaping the future of digital education at Oxford competition
- Second prize - Shaping the future of digital education at Oxford competition
- NUGgets of wisdom tech talk - Power Virtual Agents
- Case studies - Racially Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- News from IT Services - Trinity term 2022
- IT projects and programmes digest - Trinity term 2022
- Oxford integrates the ‘New Educational Curriculum’ of the 2026-2030 period
- OX-FOR-DIGITAL: Imaging the future of digital education
- To begin, select your experiment
- Imagining the Future of Digital Education
- Oxford University Tackles Student ‘Screen-Fatigue’ Via Holographic Lectures, Telepresence Hubs and Gamified Health App
- NUGgets of wisdom tech talk
- Free training sessions in MT22
- Introducing the Digital Innovation Lab
- IT support Christmas 2022
- New look for IT Self Service
- Inclusive Teaching Enhancements Project: a case study
- Quickly create compelling videos
- Testing the 3D Organon VR application
- Hiring a computer training room?
- Internship Scheme 2022
- Digital education: foundations for the future
- Shreya Manna
- Zahra Grieve
- Zihao He
- Daotong Hu
- Joanna Williams
- Runyi Yao
- Getting ready for MT22
- Supporting students’ academic transition to Oxford: Perspectives from our Student Experience Interns
- WebLearn: Final changes before closure
- (Re)designing summative assessments
- Embedding digital education
- Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022 - 5 ways to learn about dyslexia and improve your own reading and writing
- Vice-Chancellor's Education Awards 2022
- Sandra Morales PhD, MA, TEFL
- TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment)
- Welcome to Oxford
- Digital productivity sessions in MT22
- Avoiding Plagiarism and Research Integrity courses moved out of WebLearn
- News from IT Services - Michaelmas term 2022
- AcWriMo 2022: Academic Writing Month
- Building your writing productivity toolkit
- Building your writing muscle
- Reading Innovation Technology Showcase - Michaelmas term 2022
- Getting the most from your Oxford experience
- Do you know about our helpdesk service?
- Join our team
- Advent of Reading and Writing Innovation
- Online sessions
- Sessions in Canvas, Ally, H5P and Vevox
- Sessions in Nexus 365, Panopto, ORLO and Inspera
- Education communities
- Academic Skills Network
- Digital Education Technologies User Group
- Digital Education Technologies User Group Terms of Reference
- Booking links
- Digital Education Strategy 2023-27
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Investment and other enablers for implementation
- Acknowledgements
- Free sessions in HT23
- IT Projects - a look back at 2022
- Terms used in this strategy
- All Oxford LTs (Learning Technologists)
- Immersive technologies sessions
- Join the mailing list
- Goals and priorities
- Goal 1: Provide the foundations for digital education
- Goal 2: Enable a more inclusive educational environment
- Goal 3: Extend the global reach of Oxford’s educational opportunities
- Goal 4: Support experimentation and sustain innovation in digital education
- Four lessons from ChatGPT: Challenges and opportunities for educators
- IT Projects Digest Hilary term 2023
- Student writing competition: Imagining the future of digital education at Oxford
- Teaching a racially sensitive text to first-year students
- Ensuring Oxford’s education is digitally fit for the future
- IncludED: A guide to inclusive teaching
- IncludED: About inclusive education
- Showcase of Digital Reading Innovation
- Exploring AI as a tool for teaching and learning: Lessons from ChatGPT and others
- IncludED: A guide to designing inclusive assessments
- IncludED: Types of summative assessment tasks
- IncludED: Helping all students make the most of Oxford’s educational opportunities
- Diversity of Student Experience Research Project
- IncludED: A summary of Oxford-specific resources for staff
- Projects & reports hub
- Free sessions in TT23
- Students said, we did
- The Vice-Chancellor's Professional Services Awards 2023
- FIT: Encouraging a flexible and inclusive approach to teaching and learning
- 2023 Teaching and Learning Symposium
- SharePoint 2013 closing on 11 April 2023
- How can I register?
- Teaching and Learning Symposium programme
- What key dates should I know about?
- Symposium keynote speaker - Dr Rachel Forsyth, Lund University, Sweden
- Symposium guest speaker - Dr Tünde Varga-Atkins, University of Liverpool
- How can I contribute to the symposium?
- Teaching and learning technology showcase
- Guidance for symposium contributors
- What is the schedule for the week?
- Pre-symposium events schedule
- 2023 Teaching and Learning Symposium, and pre-symposium events
- Digitally Supported Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- A guide to digitally supported inclusive teaching
- Self-evaluation tools for staff and students
- Student experiences
- Online reading list
- Acknowledgements
- Resources to support students with revision and assessment
- Teaching case studies
- Using Canvas for a vibrant, flipped classroom
- Launch of new accessible document templates for GAAD 2023
- Readable and accessible templates for Word and PowerPoint
- IT Projects Digest Trinity term 2023
- Inclusive Teaching Special Interest Group
- Using Vevox for student engagement
- Using the Clinical Key Student App to foster reading skills
- Academic Skills Development Project
- Integrating written and audio-visual resources in an ORLO reading list
- Assistive Technology Guidance Developers – Summer job opportunity
- Why does digitally supported inclusive teaching matter?
- Microsoft Stream Classic closing
- CMALT Programme at Oxford
- Integrating academic skills (for colleges)
- Getting ready for Michaelmas term 2023 – support to prepare your Canvas courses
- Centre recognised at Oxford Lifelong Learning Inspiring Excellence People Awards 2023
- Post-event materials
- View slides from keynote presentation
- View materials from workshops
- View slides from lightning talks
- View symposium posters
- Symposium photo gallery
- Yining (Evelyn) Tang
- Charlotte (Charlie) Baxter
- Carmelo Radici
- Samira Mohammed Ibn Moro
- Xiaoran (Rachel) Hu
- Dylan Holmes Cowan
- Symposium partners
- Mariann Sarquis-Sepúlveda
- What's new in Canvas?
- Free online sessions in MT23
- Knowledge exchange forum
- Support to help you get ready for Michaelmas term 2023
- Sneha Shiralagi
- Xinyi (Angel) Cai
- View knowledge exchange forum programme
- 5 lessons about dyslexia to help improve anyone's reading and writing
- Yining (Evelyn) Tang MSc
- Ella Wicks
- Martha Zumack
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- AI and academic practice
- Beyond ChatGPT
- IT Projects Digest: Michaelmas term 2023
- News from the IT Service Desk
- Your Learning Matters Student Feedback Channel
- Academic Writing Month 2023
- One month of writing improvement
- After ChatGPT: What do we know about generative AI one year in?
- A reflection on the Diversity of Student Experience Knowledge Exchange Forum
- Opening remarks from Dame Professor Sue Black, Baroness Black of Strome
- Student Diaries Research Project
- Microsoft releases new Teams experience
- An introduction to the use of generative AI tools in teaching
- IT support Christmas 2023
- Workshop series - Developing Academic Skills
- Free online sessions in HT24
- Events hub
- Project 1: Investigating students' digital needs
- Internship Scheme 2023
- Project 2: Developing an academic skills hub proposal
- Online sessions - Getting more out of Oxford's digital education tools
- Workshop series - Racially Inclusive Teaching Toolkit
- Online sessions - Using generative AI to support students in their learning
- Emily Rudgard PGCert
- Teaching and Learning Symposium
- Students said, we did
- Digital Education Assistants providing local support
- Experimenting with generative AI
- 2024 Teaching and Learning Symposium
- 2024 Teaching and Learning Symposium
- What are the key dates I should know about?
- What is the symposium programme?
- Digital Education Technologies User Group meeting
- Access and participation in Higher Education
- Online sessions - Using generative AI to support students in their learning
- Guest speaker - Professor Tansy Jessop, PVC Education and Students, University of Bristol
- How can I contribute to the symposium programme?
- Workshop series - Student-Staff Partnerships Toolkit
- Centre for Teaching and Learning: Use of cookies on this website
- Guidance for symposium contributions
- Internship Scheme 2024
- Student Experience Internship Scheme
- Workshop - Empowering Oxford Educators
- Five things you can do for Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024
- How can I register to attend?
- Guest speaker - Helen Beetham, consultant researcher in digital education
- Centre for Teaching and Learning recognised in 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards shortlist
- Student-Staff Partnerships Toolkit
- Case studies
- Student-staff partnerships online reading list
- A guide to incorporating student-staff partnerships into teaching and learning activities
- Self-evaluation tools for students and staff
- Student engagement
- Acknowledgements
- Working in partnership with students to shape the Bodleian’s online libraries platform
- Working in partnership to organise a student town hall
- Empowering learning by leading collaborative seminars in partnership with students
- Working in partnership to investigate students’ digital experiences
- Working in partnership to plan and run a welcome day for Opportunity Oxford offer holders
- Working in partnership with students to investigate the diversity of students’ experiences at Oxford
- Certified Practitioner of Learning Development Programme at Oxford
- Digital Education Technologies User Group, Trinity term 2024 meeting
- Workshop - Practical AI in teaching and learning
- Symposium partners
- Symposium workshop: Practical AI in teaching and learning
- Which type of Teams meeting is best for you?
- MyOxford Digital Student Hub: getting ready for launch in Michaelmas term
- New on-demand digital skills offer
- Post-event materials
- View slides from lightning talks
- View symposium posters
- Sarah Wilson-Medhurst MSc, PFHEA, MBCS
- Matt Rattley MChem, FHEA
- AI Teaching and Learning Exploratory Fund
- Working in partnership with students to diversify STEM curriculum
- Working in partnership with students to develop and deliver ED&I initiatives
- View slides from keynote presentations
- View slides from workshops
- Elizabeth Staddon PhD, SFHEA
- Symposium photo library
- Unlocking the Future of Fair Access: a policy-practice dialogue event
- View programme: Unlocking the Future of Fair Access event
- Orla Phelan
- Kristine (Kris) Tay
- Keir May
- Archie Turner
- Yanrong Tan
- E Rick Pua
- Teaching at Oxford in 2024-25
- Trang (Alice) Le MSc
- Vivek Rajendra MBA
- Will Bowden-Benn MA, PGCE
- Working in partnership with students to carry out EDI initiatives
- Working in partnership to integrate virtual reality into students' teaching and learning
- Consultancy services
- Workshop series - Developing Academic Skills 2024-25
- Clinical Communication Skills: Drawing on lived experience in teaching
- Global Health Science and Epidemiology: promoting equality, diversity and inclusion
- Improve your digital wellbeing during International Stress Awareness Week
- Inclusive teaching toolkits
- Knowledge exchange forum: Academic skills provision
- Drop-in Canvas help sessions
- What Matters to Students Public Policy Challenge Project
- View programme: Academic skills provision knowledge exchange forum
- IT support Christmas 2024
- List of supported projects for 2024-25
- We asked, students said, we did
- Teaching programmes
- Being and belonging: Disabled students’ learning experiences at the University of Oxford
- Literature Review
- Outputs from the Academic Skills Development Project
- Academic Skills Provision Knowledge Exchange Forum
- New workshop to support your course design journey
- Associate Fellowship Pathway
- Oxford Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership Recognition Scheme
- Fellowship Pathway
- Senior Fellowship Pathway
- Evdoxia (Evi) Liatiri MSc, PG Cert, SFHEA
- AI in Teaching and Learning at Oxford: Knowledge Exchange Forum
- Sabine Bohnacker-Bruce PhD, PGDipLTHE, FHEA
- Katherine Jones
- Case study