This seminar room features a number of specific equipment upgrades, including Nuerva ‘Mist’ combined speaker/microphones systems at the front and rear of the room and a wall-mounted ‘controllable’ camera:
A Logitech ‘Meetup’ high-quality webcam, with built-in microphone array and speakers –
this picks up audio including voice audio from all over the room.
Transparent screen |
Main projection screen featuring Zoom ‘spilt screen’. |
In room ‘assistant’ using laptop to monitor chat etc. |
Lessons learnt:
- A teaching assistant in the room is essential and ideally someone with subject knowledge
- Zoom is more effective as it permits a ‘split’ screen approach
- Interactive sessions are fairly rare as most teaching is ‘transmissional’
- The sessions are technology driven but there have been few problems – most academics are already familiar with the room setup so additional tools are welcomed and training is minimal