Digital Education Technologies User Group

One way in which we aim to create conditions throughout Oxford where excellence in teaching and assessment can thrive is by bringing educators, administrators and students together through our facilitated education communities.

Each community offers different opportunities for staff to enhance and support their practice – from open networks and user groups, to special interest groups.

One of these is the Digital Education Technologies User Group. Find out about our other education communities.

What is the Digital Education Technologies User Group?

The Digital Education Technologies User Group (or DETUG) explores the use of digital tools to support flexible and inclusive teaching and learning at Oxford, including:

DETUG is facilitated by the Centre for Teaching and Learning and organised via Teams.

Sessions are held online once a term.

DETUG provides opportunities for members to hear about new developments in digital education tools at Oxford, and to network and share good practices and experiences. DETUG members also have the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice from digital technology experts and other members.

Who is DETUG for?

DETUG is open to all staff at Oxford, including academics and teachers, administrators and librarians.

How can I join DETUG?

Step 1: Make sure you are logged into Microsoft Teams

Step 2: Click on this link. This will join you to the Education Community Team automatically and you will be able to view the channel for DETUG.

If you don’t have a SSO (Single Sign-On) account or have difficulty joining, please contact us.

How can I manage my notifications for the Education Community Team?

If you change nothing about your Teams notifications, you will receive both desktop notifications and activity feed alerts for @mentions, direct messages (chat), and all new conversations and @mentions in all channels within the Education Community Team, not just those for the DETUG channel.

If you would like to turn off notifications from any channel in the Education Community Team (ie for those groups you do not wish to follow), here is how to customise notifications in a Teams channel.

More details of how to change notifications can be found at Learn how to choose the right settings to fit your preferences.

If you have any queries, please contact us.

When are the DETUG sessions in 2024-25?

Date Time   Further details

Thu 28 Nov (Wk8 MT24)



View recording and slides from meeting

Thu 13 Mar (Wk8 HT25)



Find out more and register

Thu 29 May (Wk5 TT25)



Further details to be announced


Calendar invitations will be posted in the DETUG Channel in our Education Community Team

Can I view materials from previous meetings?

Once you have joined DETUG, materials from previous meetings will be available to you via the DETUG Channel in our Education Community Team.

What are the group's terms of reference?

View the terms of reference for the Digital Education Technologies User Group.

Contact us

If you have a query, please contact us at



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